Grammatical Errors Analysis on EFL Learners’ Writing (a case study at junior high islamic boarding school in Jember)
Wuda, Rica. 2019. An Analysis of Grammatical Errors in Writing Recount Text at the Eighth Grade Students of MTs Unggulan Al Qodiri 1 Jember in Academic Year 2018/2019. Thesis. English Education Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember. Advisors: (1) Dr. Tanzil Huda, M.Pd. (2) Indri Astutik, M.Pd
Key words: Grammatical Error, Writing Skill
The object of the research is to know the dominant errors that made by the students of the eighth grade of MTs Unggulan Al Qodiri 1 Jember in writing recount text and to know the causes that students made grammatical errors. The subject of this research consisted of 19 students of the eighth grade.
The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research. The data of this research were gathered from the recount text written by the eighth grade students based on their interesting experience or bad experience at MTs Unggulan Al Qodiri 1 Jember. In this research, the writer used classification of errors based on the surface strategy taxonomy including omission, addition, misformation, and misordering. The technique of data analysis is qualitative analysis. The qualitative analysis used to describe the result of the research.
By analyzing the students writing text, the writer obtained 13 students who choose their interesting experience and 6 students who chose their bad experience. Also, the writer obtained their errors of the test result and found that there were 18 omission of to be, 14 omission of plural, 20 omission of article, 17 omission of preposition, 49 addition, 183 misformation and 10 misordering.
The result of the research shows that the dominant error made by the students is misformation errors, misformation errors happened because the influence of the students’ mother tongue or their first language. The students still confused to change the verb into past participle, it can be called as intralanguage errors where it happened because incomplete knowledge in the change of verb. Beside that, it happened because some factors of students made grammatical errors, those were; environment, the process of teaching and learning including of learning style and feedback, the availability of learning source, and less motivation. Those were some factors that the students made grammatical errors in their written production.
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