Review Buku "Dear Tomorrow" By Maudy Ayunda

Well, today i decide to review Maudy’s book “Dear Tomorrow”, and i wanna try it in English.

Before reviewing this book, I wanna tell you that since this book launching in 2018 I felt like “I must have it” but because of some conditions “oke I’ll buy it later” still many priorities that was more important and bla bla bla. And finally, in November 2020 I got it and how excited I was. Start from how I like Maudy with her multi-talented which pull me to have her book moreover it was the first book that she wrote.

Oke, let’s revew it start from the cover that is used from a hard cover. Damn, I thought the cover was her photo, but it’s not, it’s just a paper that cover a real book (just see above), and my impression opening this book was it was like a simple and looked unique. Usually when I bought some books, i didn’t directly read it. First, I opened page by page and read a synopsis in the back of the book and yes I got my smile at this book. How she skilled in designing her photo, putting word by word and becoming a good writing, because good writing is the messages that conveyed clearly and meaningful, also I recommend this book for you who likes a classical pictures. To be honest, this book is not boring, so many her classical photos, quotes and absolutely a little conversition with ourselves, yes your writing got me to talk and share Mbak Mod!

From this I also got much vocabularies, because this book was full in English, so that why i decide to review it by using English. So much things I learned from this such about self-love, being yourself, dreams, love, mindsets, life and Maudy’s like and dislike about something, indirectly she told herself based on her experiences and how she inspired without acting like a teacher. I beleived that, Maudy was a good in education that is why how she was good in managing herself, this quote will support it “she remembered who she was, and the world started to listen” and yes I got the point,  when we beleived in ourselves, everything would be oke, I think so. Based on her experience too, I learned that finding ourselves couldn’t find inside us, it could be found when we had a relationship or connection with other people, I agree with this. Also, just make ourselves a priority and sometimes it is okay to be selfish. How I love it mbak Mod, you got me to think and smile many times.

Note about dreams that I love the most was don’t compare, your journey is your own, and this what often happens in Indonesia, as I have told before in my IG story that happiness was in other people, when we saw other people they looked the happiest, and we make a comparison then insecure comes. I knew that and have ever felt, how we make it difficult in ourselves guys. Frankly, so many writings that talk about this, but maybe this book was supported by a classical pictures and a good designing in putting the word, I felt like more interesting in reading it, moreover it used English.

About love. When I read a note about love I can’t say anything. Till now i still can’t describe what love is. I just wanna say to the world that true love never says NO, it always says YES, whatever it is. And I’ve heard this statement that “marriage can be forced, but love can not”. I also tried to read this content and slowly catch a logic things about love specially loving someone, just try to analyze. O yeah, in this content event Maudy put the playlist for the brokenhearted.

From those I love:

“please don’t say you love me - Gabrielle Aplin”

“the piece don’t fit anymore - James Morrison”

And the last content was mindsets. Open minded and insecurity were my favorite. Whatever that we’ve taken was not always right, relize that we could be wrong, and insecurity means that vulnerability to opinions of people that matter to you. Lately insecurity is the topic that is often discussed. To solve this big problem, we can develop strong self-conviction. Insecurity is the feeling afraid of someone’s opinion, make sure that it is just an opinion, it is not the fact that you did, just ignore it and go.

I don’t know when I have read this book, I feel like my convident, conviction, self-love come once. And yes, I have read this for about three times, when I’m down I need it once to return my energy. Two sentences that I love the most from this book was “Doing what you love is Freedom, Loving what you do is Happiness”. And, based on many people who have already told me about their life what often happens was that they still haven’t found a freedom. In fact if you have a freedom you will feel free, if you feel free you have your own happiness. Just finding your own freedom!!!!

Yesss, that was all my review of “Dear Tomorrow”, see you next time mumumu... hahaaa










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